
The rose would only be a small cabbage

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The rose without the literature that has fallen on it,
would only be a small cabbage.
(Joan Fuster, Catalan poet)
I use marketing and creativity to make more roses
Narcís Mirandes
972 22 80 85
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The Catalan poet Joan Fuster once remarked, "The rose, without the literature that has fallen on it, would be only a cabbage." This metaphor speaks volumes about marketing and communication. Just like literature transforms a simple rose into a symbol of beauty, marketing elevates a product from a mere object into a brand that resonates with people.

The Features

Building a brand or defining a marketing strategy begins with gathering and analyzing essential information. I delve into the product's features, study the competition, and understand the market dynamics. This initial analysis is like examining the "small cabbage"—the raw, unadorned elements of the product. These are the technical aspects that form the foundation of any brand.

The Feelings

However, facts alone don’t create a brand. Our perception of a product is shaped by culture, emotions, and experiences. The environment in which a product is used, and most importantly, the user's experience, transform those features into something more—a brand that evokes feelings and memories. The physical elements are just tools; the real magic happens when they generate emotions.